Monday, October 27, 2014

Chair company installed

I have installed the chair company model with an elevated passageway on the left adjoining the warehouse.  The chair company has an arrangement with the warehouse for storage of products.  Underneath the elevated passageway is a mirror to give the impression the road underneath goes on behind the structures.

I added some scenery in front of the structures along the wall.  There is a truck with a load of wood at the chair company loading door.  At the lower left of this photo I installed a trackside loading dock for rail shipments as neither the chair company nor the warehouse have rail side loading docks.

I have decided my next project will be a machinery repair shop with an outside yard containing machinery (tractors, trucks, etc) awaiting repair or in progress of being repaired. The yard area will be fenced in and there will be a structure with probably a covered, open work area.  I have not yet done a design but I am in the process of constructing some machinery for the yard.  Doing the machinery will be a slow process but the  amount of detail should make this interesting.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Chair company model

For this model I started with a DPM Laube's Linen Mill kit and used two and a half walls of the kit.  These kits are cheap and simple, and I have several of their kits on the shelf I never used.  I named the business Benenati's for a friend.

I added a wood addition in the front.  This model will be against the wall between the warehouse and the bilge barrel company.  There will be an elevated walkway between the chair company and the warehouse after installation.  That walkway enables the chair company to store chair products in the warehouse.

The details on the roof include a chimney, a roof-top stairway to the lower level, a vent, a chair and a small pile of lumber.

The chair company has been having business difficulties due to competition from more modern chair and furniture companies, but the trucking activity is still busy - wonder what may be going on?

Once I install the structure on the layout I will post a photo with the scenery details.

Over the last few weeks I was creating a clinic for the MER convention held this last weekend, so that slowed my progress on the model.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Warehouse completed

I have completed the warehouse model, finally.  I was going to post this yesterday but had some computer problems.  I placed some boxes and stuff on the loading dock, along with two figures.  There is also a figure on the second floor walkway.

The left side has a billboard - appropriately advertising a rat destroying product.

The right side has a gap in the siding where I will be attaching a walkway to the next structure.

There is a small ladder at the end of the platform.  Formal access to the building is on the other side (not modeled since this goes against the wall).

I am now contemplating what my next model will be.