Saturday, July 28, 2018

Cannery model complete

I have completed my cannery company model and added lots of details.  It is somewhat different than the photo of the cannery that inspired my model.  I have added lots of details and figures on the large exterior platform.

I added a water tower on the roof of the boiler house using an old kit by Alloy Forms.  The major change I made to the kit was replacing the ladder.

There are lots of figures - mostly female as was the case back in that time.  The females are the ones that handle the tomatoes so they wear red dresses to hide the stains from the tomatoes.

Some details on the platform include a weight scale, a fire hose, a cart for moving tomato boxes around, and a number of barrels and boxes and other things.

The rear view above shows a work bench/shelf set beside the door.  That is a commercial product.

Now that this model is complete I again have the challenge of deciding what my next model will be.  I thin k it will be something small and simple.  

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Cannery model almost complete

I have almost finished the cannery model.  Still a lot of details to be added as well as more weathering.  The roof was shingled with red shingles - very red.  I acquired these red shingles from an estate.  I weathered the shingles with my ink & alcohol solution which helped,  then I brushed them with dark gray chalk dust.  Looks OK to me.

I also added a vent on the roof.

Before I added the roof I took a photo top down to show the interior details which are hard to see now that the roof is on.

I will be adding a lot of details and figures on the exterior deck.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Cannery model progress

I have made some progress on my cannery model.  Still a lot to be done.  The frame on the left has a roof and a light.

In the rear view below you can see the boiler house.  The base to the boiler house is made with Hydrocal castings.  The stack is a plastic straw.

Below are some more interior details that were time consuming.

On the left is the peeling table with a box of tomatoes on the right, a few tomatoes on the table, a paper cover stained with tomato juice, and two paring knifes.  On the right is a canning machine with several cans on the table.  The cans were made from a small dowel.  The prototype for the canning machine is shown below.

My model is not an exact duplicate but similar.  Again, I am not sure how well these details will be visible when the roof is installed.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Cannery model start

I have started building my cannery model.  There is still a lot of work to be done.  I am not trying to model the cannery exactly as shown in the previous post but rather using it as an inspiration.  As I said I am building it as an old structure well weathered.

I have installed three wide doors to hopefully allow some of the interior detail to be seen.

With the high level shot above you can see some of the interior detail - far from complete.  I really enjoy doing interior detail even though it may be difficult to see after the model is complete.  At the back are two steam cookers with the tops open.

Below is a model I built of the previously posted tomato and fruit washer.  You can see it at the inside left in the photo above.

This model is about 11 scale feet long.  I made it using card stock, wood strips, wire and paper strips for the paddles.  The wheel is a commercial casting and the "chain" is thread.  I am planning on building two more machines for inside.