Sunday, March 31, 2019

Industrial electrical contractor co progress

The industrial electric contractor company is progressing nicely.  The building is mostly complete with many details yet to be added such as roof shingles, a hoist, and many other details.

The upper landing still needs a railing and details to be added on the dock.

There re some details inside the large open door but they are hard to see.

The office is located inside the indent on the lower right.

Above is an example of the type of electrical installations this company installs.

Much more to be done .....

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Industrial electrical contractor company start

My next model will be an industrial electrical contractor company.  They install electrical poles and industrial electrical components as well as installing underground electrical cables.  I actually started designing something else and found it uninteresting so I changed my mind and went with this.  In addition to the building and details I will be building some interesting trucks.

This is only a rough start with not much done yet but it was so long since I posted I decided to get something on the blog.  There will be a platform on the front edge of this and an elevated platform for the upper left door.  The upper right door will have a hoist.

While I was trying to figure out what to do, I built a Rio Grande Models C.L. Best tractor kit that has been sitting on my shelf for years.  It is a cast metal kit.

More later ............

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Law office model complete

I have completed the law office model. I have added a little humor by adding  a fortune teller renting an upstairs room ( not sure if the law office customers visit the fortune teller before or after meeting with the attorney).  The main structure has board & batten siding with a roof shingled with paper shingles and the garage is board by board siding with a board by board roof cover with thin paper tar paper.  Windows are by Tichy.

I weathered the building sides and roof with chalks.

Above is a rear view.  The stack was made with plastic spurs topped with a small wood cone sanded from the end of a dowel.

This side view shows a sign listing some of the law issue this company deals with.

Now again I need to decide on my next model.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Law office model start

My next model is a small town law office with hopefully a little humor.  This structure has a fairly small footprint.  There will be a garage on the right side and I will be adding shingles on the roof.

There will be signs on the front.

Above is a view of the rear of the building.  There will be a shed on the back.  There will also be other details added.  

One bit of "legal" humor I recall is the law office name "Dewey, Cheatem & Howe" which was used by the car talk guys - Tom & Ray Magliozzi.  They had a very humorous weekly radio show which I used to listen to.  After Tom died the show ended.