Thursday, September 26, 2019

1934 truck model

While trying to decide what my next structure model will be I built a Wheel Works metal truck kit.  The only part I added was the wood rear platform which is board by board.

I did not follow the kit instructions as they were unclear and complicated.  Mostly I glued the parts together without all of the hole drilling specified in the instructions.

I am not sure what I will use the truck for.

I am now sketching my next model which will include a little personal history.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Old wood shack

This model took a lot more time than I expected as it was built board by board.  I decided to make something small as I am running out of room on my layout.  My intent was to have it look weathered and unpainted.

Every part is individual boards including the roof to which I applied shingles but left patches where the shingles are missing to show the boards.  The steps to the door are pallets.  The old guy in front lives in this shack.

Above is a view of the back.

Inside the front door, which is hard to see, are a metal stove (you can see the stack coming out of the front wall) and a chair - the only details I included inside.

Above is a photo of the interior framing.

Now to decide on what to do next.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Ladder company complete

The ladder company is now complete.  I added a card stock base a little wider than the structure to allow for some scenery around the building.  The front view below shows the sign on the roof, the figure in the doorway holding a ladder, and a sawdust pile on the left side.

Below is a view of the left side.  At he back of the building is a long shed for ladder storage.

I actually installed a variety of ladders in the shed but sadly they are hard to see.

Above is a view of the back.  There is a lumber rack attached to the shed.  The roofing on the shed is tar paper made with strips of paper painted black.

I am satisfied with the project though I might have done some things differently.

And now again I must come up with another idea for a model.