Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Steam boiler and machine structure

I have constructed a building to house the steam boiler and machine.  I made the front doors wide to allow viewing the interior as much as possible.  Building sides are board and batten.  On the roof is a small roof window next to the stack  On the right is a vent.

The structure appears lighter than it actually is as I wanted enough light to show the interior.

The side view above shows a large window where you can somewhat see the steam engine inside.  There is a fire extinguisher and fire hose on the side and a coal bin at the back.  On the roof at the back is a barrel with an open top next to the ladder.

Above is a rear view.

 Now again I need to come up with an idea for another model.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Steam engine & boiler

I have assembled an SS Ltd steam engine & boiler kit that I bought many years ago.  As usual the kit parts are good but the instructions are poor so I assembled it as I preferred.  The detail parts are cast metal, the brick siding for the boiler is embossed card stock. The boiler top has a card stock metal sheeting with segmented sections.  I provided my own pipes.

The kit called for using thread for the "belt" on the engine.  I used thin sections of wire.  

The printed price on my kit is $12 for both pieces at the time I bought it.  In a search online I found the boiler alone is now about $80.  Wow!

Next I will build a structure to house these machines.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

1917 Federal Motor truck

While trying to decide what structure to model next I decided to build a very old model truck.  It is small and sadly the photos are not great but you can get the idea.  I started with an old style plastic fire engine.  I removed all but the front and lower cab area - it had no real cab.  The rest of the model was made from wood and card stock.

The wheels were plastic commercial parts.

The truck bed is all wood strips.

Above is the prototype I used to create the model.  My model is not exactly the same but I did not like the cab roof and supports.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Telegraph office model

This telegraph office model is small and typical of such offices in the 1930s/1940s.  It has clapboard siding and a large raised sign on the front.  I installed some minor  interior detail thinking the large windows would make them visible - NOT!   The telegraph was invented in the 1800s and in the US the major early use was for the railroads.

I installed a telegraph pole at the side of the building with a wire down to the roof.  The telegraph pole is a metal metal part by Magnuson Models - no modifications just paint,  The connection on the roof is a board with a metal electrical detail part inserted and there is a fine wire strip between the pole and the roof.

A view of the other side.

And a view of the back.

A little personal history.  My father served in the Navy during WW II in the pacific fleet.  After the war he was finally transferred home.  My mother and I lived in the Pittsburgh PA area at the time and my father sent a telegram informing us of about when he would arrive home.  This telegram is in my family history collection.

The telegraph service ceased years ago.