Saturday, January 18, 2020

Pallet company model start

My next model is a pallet company.  It has been a while since I posted but life got in the way.  This company makes pallets for storing and shipping products.  Pallets are wood bases for holding various products.  I actually use pallets on many of my models.

The roof does not yet have shingles installed.  The right side above will have a flat roof covering the pallet manufacturing area.

The rear platform is the shipping area for the pallets.

The windows and doors are all commercial products.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Food wagon model

This is an old style food wagon that can be pulled by a horse or a truck.  It is mostly made of wood with commercial wheels and a commercial rear door.

I have added an interior which consists of a grill at the front with some pans on it and a small storage cabinet near the door.  There is a figure inside wearing an apron.

There is a menu on the outside front,  a small hauling hook on the front and steps below the door in the back.  There are several food related items on the side counter.