Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Extraction plant water tower

I have built a water tower for my extraction plant.  It is 34 foot tall.  The tank is made from plastic tank parts.  The base of the tank with the railing on it is a large metal washer.  The hatch on the roof is a reefer part.  The support structure is wood strips and the railing is made from a thin card stock strip.

I used a prototype photo (below) for ideas on how to construct this tank though the prototype is way taller than my model.

I built a layout extension shelf at the end of my main layout aisle for the extraction plant.  So far most of the extraction plant models are installed on this shelf which adjoins part of my narrow gauge track.   I am now applying scenery to the area.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

T&E MRR history 2020

As I do every year I am posting more photos of my Fathers Troll & Elfin model railroad.  He took many photos over the years though the majority were 35 mm slides which is a bit of a problem.  He and I got into model railroading at the same time.  My father modeled more for fun than any prototype.

Above is a view of the town of Troll with a train on the tracks.

Above is one of his scratch built hopper cars.

The photo above shows some of his structures, a few of which I now have on my model railroad.

Most of his photos were black & white.  I have this small "station" on my layout also.  My fathers layout was much smaller than mine is but I saved a few structures and most of the details.  The rest I either sold or gave away.  Neither my kids or grand kids have any interest in model railroads so my stuff will be disposed of when I die, thought they will probably save a few pieces.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Ferry truck car model

I got this brass ferry truck model many years ago.  It was mostly assembled and unpainted.  I painted it using my imagination.  When I tried to use the decals that came with it they disintegrated so I used some dry transfers I had and labeled the truck bodies for the Railway Express Agency (REA).  The REA was kind of the early UPS company and it ended in 1975 I think.

The photo above shows the truck bodies sitting beside the car.

Above is the truck bodies sitting on the car.

Above is a photo of a prototype.