Saturday, April 24, 2021

Dumbwaiter shop complete

This took a lot longer than I expected - a combination of time consuming details and non modeling work around the house.  There as usual are interior details not visible in this photo.  Inside is a dumbwaiter and other details. 

The two cranes are scratch built.  

Above is the dumbwaiter installed inside the building.  It is two stories high.  

Now again I need to come up with another model to build.  

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Dumbwaiter shop start

This shop installs, maintains and repairs dumbwaiters.  A dumbwaiter is like a small elevator for moving items such as food or other small items from one floor to another.  These devices have existed for many years and are still used today.   I have completed most of the building except the roof and interior.

There will be a dumbwaiter inside the left side of the building.  I will also be adding various details and signs.

Above is an illustration of a dumbwaiter.