Friday, November 26, 2021

Battery shop model

My next model is a battery shop.  As usual I installed details inside the shop area which are not visible in the photos but you can see them in person.  I placed a large battery sign on the roof to add a nice colorful detail.  The front door and two windows are commercial parts.  The back door and left wind are scratch.  I added a bunch of signs on the walls.

The interior details include a work bench, shelves with batteries and other things.  I also built a wheeled air compressor.  You can see one of the batteries inside the right side of the door. 

Below is a rear view of the model showing the ladder to the roof and rear door.  The roof is flat and "tarred".  

And now I need to come up with an idea for my next model - something that gets harder and harder as I have built so many models.  


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Stan's place restaurant complete

 I have added a roof and some details including signs, a stove stack, some trash barrels in back,  a sidewalk in front with a guy having a drink near the front door. 

And below is a view of the rear.

The side walk is card stock, the trash cans are commercial parts, and the stack was made from a plastic sprue with a curl of paper on top.  The roof "tar paper" was made from paper strips.   You can barely see the people dining at the window though they are more visible in person.  

Friday, November 5, 2021

Small restaurant model progress

 I got the idea for this restaurant model from an old photo on the Shorpy web site.  On that site they have a Mike's Place restaurant.  My model is similar but not exact.  The model is  made using wood and card stock parts.  The front door is a commercial part but all the windows and other doors are scratch built.  

Inside the front window is a table with three figures - a man, woman and a child.  Behind the table is a restaurant worker figure holding a tray with two glasses.  I scratch built the tables and chairs.  

Above is a view from above showing the table and figures.  At the back of the restaurant is the kitchen area.  I will not be adding details inside the kitchen as they will not be visible once the roof is installed.  

In addition to the roof I will be adding various details to the outside including signs and other things.  

This model is called Stan's place.  I actually am a decent cook.  I retired before my wife so I cooked the dinners so when she got home dinner was ready.  I also did some baking of deserts such as pies, cakes and cookies.