Friday, January 21, 2022

Liquor store model complete

 It took me longer than planned to complete this model as I had to adjust the wall ends to make the roof level.   The roof is removable so you can see the inside details.  The side addition is a storage area for the liquor and beer products.  The roof "tarpaper" covering was made using strips of "rough" black paper.  

I placed a bench with two figures on the porch with a bottle of wine sitting on the bench between them.  The door to the storage area is a plastic part.  I added some signs to the outside walls.  

There is a stove pipe at the back wall of the storage unit as it has a heating stove inside that warms both the unit and the main building.  

Again I have to come up with an idea for my next model.  

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Liquor store model start

 My next model is a liquor store.  I decided on this because I wanted to use some plastic store interior details which had a lot of bottles on the shelves.  I have spent a lot of time working on the interior details.  I will make the roof of the model removable to allow the interior to be seen which is better than just looking in the windows.  

I have named the store Airy Liquors because that name is part of the name of my favorite liquor store.  Below are some photos showing the interior details. 

The shelves on the two upper walls were the same with a door in the center.  I kept the upper left shelves with a door in the middle as there will be an attached shed on the left side of the building.  The one on the right rear wall has shelves replacing the door.  There is a table in the center of the interior with a case of bottles on it.  

Above is an interior view showing the front of the building with a counter where purchases can be bought.  There is a clerk behind the counter and a woman customer purchasing  some products.  On the counter is a cash register that I scratch built, some bottles and paper work.  The red "box" is a coke machine.  More to come  probably next week.