Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Kerosene Truck

 I just completed building an SS Ltd Autocrar kerosene truck kit.  It is probably the worst SS Ltd kit I ever built.  The instructions were bad, some parts did not match the instructions, and assembly was difficult since some parts did not fit together as per the instructions.  

This truck is based on a very old truck but there is no indication of what year the truck represents.   I substituted parts for what the kit contained.  As an example the figure supplied for the driver was bigger than what should fit in the cab so I replaced the seat with a wood piece.  The "hose" they supplied was a piece of thick black flex wire that looked terrible so I substituted a cast metal hose reel on the rear of the tank.  

The resulting model is OK but not great.

I painted the truck blue as apparently kerosene barrels were usually blue.

Next I will build a structure that will be a kerosene supply shop.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Rope shop model

 This structure is a rope shop where they make ropes of different types using rope material that they purchase.  The siding is clapboard with commercial  windows by Tichy.  The side stairs are a plastic product with wood strip railings.  There are two figures on this model.  

Below you can see the other side as well as several commercial spool devices with thread wrapped around them for rope.  

The roof has varied size shingles made by BEST.  

Now again to figure out what to build next.