Thursday, November 17, 2022

Railroad track side shed model

 This is a small shed owned by the railroad and used to store track maintenance materials and other things used by the maintenance crew.  The shed walls were built using individual board strips with only my ink/alcohol mixture for coloring.   The roof was made from card board with end cuts to simulate wood planks and "tarpaper" roofing cover.  The door is and old freight car door.  

I placed the shed on a piece of thin cardboard painted to simulate dirt and added some grass, real dirt and various details.  On the left above is a stack of ties.  At the right is a loco wheel.  One of the workers is standing at the door.  

At the right end of the shed is a rack with two oil barrels.  

Above is a view of the rear of the shed.  There is a small bush to the left, a ladder hanging on the back of the shed, and some junk and tools next to the stack of ties.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Bar model

This bar model was constructed to be next to the flophouse.  It was mostly constructed using card stock with paper brick sheet siding by SS Ltd which I bought many years ago.  The front window is a commercial plastic  product and the recessed front door was scratch built.  

The person sitting on the sidewalk looks like he had too much to drink.  

The beer and liquor signs were cut out of magazines years ago.  The sidewalk is a plastic commercial product.