Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Derrick drive mechanism shed

 This shed contains machinery to operate a derrick.  It also has a work bench and some other details.  the machinery is from an SS Ltd kit.  The shed was made using scribed wood and wood strips.  

Above is a front view of the shed and machinery inside.  The roof was made using cardboard corrugated roof material supplied with the machinery kit.  

Above is a semi side view of the shed.

Above is a view of the shed interior taken before the other wall and roof were installed.  The "brass" wheels will be used for wires that will connect to the derrick for operation.  On the upper left is a control panel that connects to a buss bar on the roof. 

Next I will build a derrick for the to operate.  

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Model A Ford station wagon model

 While trying to decide what structure to build next I decided to build one of my old vehicle kits.  This station wagon by Jordan Products was painful to build.  I mostly ignored the instructions and just built it using the drawings of what went where.  It came out OK and will be placed somewhere on my layout.

Behind the model is the cover of the box it came in which has a photo of their kit model.