Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Small old water tower

 This old style wooden water tower is for being located next to a structure.  The figure was included to give an idea of the size.  There is a small roof hatch at the top of the ladder.

The figure is holding a lantern.

The tower tank was built by glueing vertical boards to a section of thick dowel.  

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Old shack model

I like building small models and especially those well weathered.  This model has a board by board exterior with a lot of exterior details.

Above is a rear view showing the shack at the back.  The main roof is tar paper style and the shed roof is corrugated metal.  This side details include short ladder, some shelves with various detail parts, and a pile of wood with an axe on top.

Above is a front view with the same side.   There are two figures in the front one lying down on the porch.

Above is a view of the other side.  The details on this side include some barrels, a hand cart, a wheel barrow with some tools on it and an old tire.  The cart and wheel barrow are scratch built.  Now I need to decide what to build next.