Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Brick making shed progress less roof

My brick making shed is almost complete, mostly awaiting the roof.  I have left the shed very open to allow the interior details to be seen once it is on the layout.  It contains the two brick making machines, a stove for heat ( a challenge since it is so open), a water pipe from the adjoining water tank, a wheel barrow of clay, and various small details.  I plan to make the roof removable as I have done on other models but once on the layout the roofs are seldom removed.  Interior details seem to be more for self satisfaction rather than any practical future viewing.

There is one figure in the shed made from a cheap Plasticville plastic figure.  Once the flash is removed, the thick base cut off, and the figure painted and weathered it actually looks pretty good.  The weathering is gray chalk used to tone down the bright paint.  The painting consists of a sprayed gray enamel covered with various colors of flat acrylic paint.

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