Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Brickworks track

Since the brickworks site on my layout is a stretch from the edge of the layout I decided to construct the track on my workbench.  I first cut paper strips the width of the ties and layed them out where the track would run.  Then I glued the strips together in the proper configuration creating the roadbed.  The roadbed strips were placed on my workbench.  I cut styrene ties and glued them to the paper roadbed.  I used 2x3 styrene strips for the track and made a simple track gauge to aid in laying the rail.  After the rail was down, I painted the roadbed, ties and rail, then weathered it with chalks.  After all was dried I was able to lift it as one piece and fit it to the brickworks site.  The whole thing weighs almost nothing.

The track plan is simplistic but there is little room on the site.The rail is two foot gauge (between the rails).  After permanent installation the roadbed will be blended with the scenery.

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