Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wiscasset Waterville & Farmington Narrow Gauge Visit

I have been in Maine for the last week and on Saturday I visited the Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington narrow gauge railway museum.  I have been a member of this neat little museum railroad for many years but do not get to visit often.  They have one operating 2 foot gauge steam loco and a nice little operating rail car.  They have just a few miles of track but it is through nice scenery with some modest grades.  They operate from Sheepscot station in Alna (a few miles north of Portland) to the end of track and back.  As my nephew was fireman on the loco I got to ride on the loco behind the engineer, who is also the RR museum treasurer.  The museum staff is all volunteer.

Above is a photo of #10 returning to Sheepscot station after a round trip.  The loco is never turned but always runs at the head end of the train whichever way it is going.  There is a run-aroun d at each end.

Above is the railcar.  It has a built-in turntable underneath which is cranked down to allow the car to be turned around by pushing it.  Cranking it up is work.  Cranking it down is easy.

Above is the Sheepscot station with end of track to the right and the mainline to the left.  The station also house a gift shop as well as the ticket counter.  Below is the WW&F web site URL.


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