Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tannery model preliminary sketch

Years ago I used to draw detailed plans when I scratch built a model.  Then I realized I always made modifications to each model, sometimes big changes for which I seldom if ever made a revised plan.  Eventually I decided that the plans were mostly a waste of time.  Then I began to use only a sketch of what I intended to build.  The sketch takes far less time and still gives me a concept to work from.  Sometimes I make a cardboard mockup - mostly to determine the most pleasing or effective size and impact on the surrounding scenery.  Does this result in mistakes - oh yes, but then so did the detailed plans.  There is no shame in tossing all or part of a model you are building and starting over or making significant revisions.  This is after all a hobby and the fun is in the building even if it is a do-over.

So....  I have made a rough sketch of my tannery complex, which is not just one big building but rather a complex of specialized buildings each designed to accommodate the function being performed inside.    It thus is important to understand what function is permed in each building.  You should also realize that this tannery complex will be a highly condensed version of what size an actual tannery would be - a typical situation for most models.  Here is my sketch.  After doing several days of research, the sketch took about 30 minutes.

The layout space for my tannery is at an outside corner of the center peninsula of the layout.  It already has a track spur installed as seen in the drawing.  The buildings I am planning include a hide receiving shed (my hides will be received via rail), the leach house, the beam house, the engine room, the tanning pit house, the finishing room, and the boiler house.  This set of buildings and functions fit my time period of 1939.  The tannery in my 1939 time period has been around for quite a few years and is not new.  Since I will be recording the building of this tannery in the blog you will get a chance to see what changes (and mistakes) I may make.

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