Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tannery steam engine

This is the steam engine for the tannery.  I made it from a Rio Grande Models Corliss Steam engine kit.  I like the RGM kits - they have great castings and make really nice models.  They do however sometimes have some limitations, which in this case was the foundation for the engine.  The engine needs a foundations as the flywheel extends lower than the engine and the kit does not supply one nor any clue as to how to make one.  Now that is not rocket science but it would be nice to have at least an example.  In any event the engine is now complete and I can thus determine what size to make the engine house.

The steam pipe on top of the cylinder block connects to the steam boiler in the boiler house to supply steam to the engine.  There are two pulleys on the rear of the cylinder block for driving the machinery.

Just having fun!

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