Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tannery wash house

I have decided to make this structure the wash house where the arriving hides are washed and cleaned prior to the scraping and hair removal.  It seems by 1939 that tan bark use had declined so leaching of the tanbark was not necessary.  In any event this is building number one.  I am working on a receiving dock for the hides which will adjoin this structure on the right side.

This building is of course reduced in size as I have no room on the layout for a full size tannery which would be quite large.  The beam house will adjoin the rear of the structure so I did not bother detailing the back - it is merely blank card stock.  The front and sides were made from the Downtown Deco plaster rough brick, the windows are commercial castings as are the vents on the roof and the exhaust fan on the front.  The roofing is covered with painted paper strips to represent roll roofing and dirtied with black and gray chalks (with a small tear at one point), with rusty streaks from the vents.  The upper walls are scribed wood.  I prefer weathered structures so that is the way I built this.

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