Sunday, January 22, 2012

Tannery Boiler House

I have finally finished the boiler house.  That is the last of the structures in the tannery complex.  I have a few exterior details to make such as a water tower and an acid tank then I can permanently affix the tannery buildings to the layout.

 This is the front of the boiler house.  I used CC Crow hydrocal brick castings for the walls.  They are very well done and only 1/8 inch thick so are easy to cut to size and carve in window openings.  All windows are commercial parts from my extensive supply of window parts from multiple sources - do not know the maker of any of them that I used here.  To the right of the front door on the side wall is a pipe and metal rack.  I added a small section of cardstock to the base extending out from the walls so I could add details before I placed the structure on the layout.  That will be blended in after installation.  The grass around the sides is Silflor tufts - great stuff.  I then added real dirt.

On the left side of the boiler house is a stack of cord wood made from the birdseed detritus I described some time ago.  The boiler is wood fired.  I will add a more substantial wood pile after the structure is installed.  The stack at the back is a commercial part that I modified by adding a trim at the top.

As you can see by this close-up, there is actually a boiler inside the building.  It is a commercial kit I built so long ago I no longer remember who manufactured it.  Unfortunately most of the detail is hidden but at least you can see the front of the boiler.  The structure will be less than a foot from the edge of the layout so it will be viewable.

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