Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tanning Building

I have now completed the tanning building which is the last building of the main complex.  This building has a very different look from the others in the complex.  It is a wood structure using board and batten siding, with a shed to the side made with plain vertical wood siding.  The main structure has a rolled tarpaper roof while the shed has a corrugated metal roof.

There is a large wooden roof vent on the main building.  The shed has a simplistic interior consisting of round, open-top metal vats containing chemicals for the tanning process.  A figure of a worker can be seen through the open door.  This figure is a modified plastic figure, perhaps a Plasticville figure though I do not recall.  It was a female figure in a dress, which I modified by trimming away parts of the dress, cutting off the long hair and adding a mans hat.  The remaining dress was painted to represent a leather apron typical of what the tannery workers of those days wore.  There is another figure walking down the steps of the main building carrying a heavy bag on his shoulders.  I added a small bit of scenery at the indented corner of the two buildings so I could attach some miscellaneous junk.

The two sides you cannot see are mostly undecorated except for the edges near the two visible sides as those portions will be hidden be the adjoining buildings - the engine house to the left and the finishing building to the right.

The next structure to be built is the boiler house which will not be attached to the main complex. It will have a large boiler inside which will be visible through open doors with a steam pipe that will lead to the engine house.

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