Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tannery water tank

I finally finished the tannery water tank.  It is about 36 feet high or 5 inches.  The tank is stripwood glued around a dowel.  The rest is all stripwood except the roof shingles which are Campell shingles applied one at a time - very tedious.  As usual, all of the wood is stained with india ink and alcohol.  The ladders were made from small stripwood glued using a template I drew.  There is a pump house under the tank structure.  The finial on the roof is a metal casting from my parts boxes.  I painted it copper then dry brushed it with light green acrylic for aging.  I installed a figure at the top of the lower ladder just about to get up on the platform - it adds a little interest.

The water tank will be at the rear of the tannery near the boiler house.

Now that this is done I will construct the acid tank, then all of the main components will be complete and I can complete installation on the layout and scenic around it.

While I am doing this I am trying to decide what my next project will be.

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