Monday, April 30, 2012

Interior detail shelving model

As part of creating interior detailing for my dyeworks garage and repair building I decided to build a small shelving detail.  The photo below shows my model on the right and a similar Sierra West resin casting on the left.  My model is largely made from card stock that is slightly heavier than index card stock.  You can see an HO figure behind the SW casting.  The contents of my shelving are mostly bits of plastic sprues and small pieces of wood.  There is one commercial detail which is a small double ended wrench on the top of the shelving.  In the center of the top I tried to simulate a row of bottles by glueing small bits of wire to a piece of styrene and painting them different colors.

Building this small detail was actually quite easy and took maybe an hour of actual work time (with glue and paint drying time in between).  It is likely that this will be hard to see once in place with the roof on the building even though the front of the structure is almost completely open, but it has been fun doing it.  I plan to do more of these kinds of detail parts in the future.

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