Friday, May 11, 2012

Dyeworks repair shop interior

I made this photo of the dyeworks repair shop interior before putting on the roof as I doubt there will be enough light later to see what is inside, though I hope it will be visible to some extent.  In any event I like doing interiors.  There is an open repair area beside the shop that has a roof and will have a lot of details also.

The interior details here are a mix of commercial castings and scratch built items plus some pure junk.  The building itself is a few days away from being complete.  I will likely place some truck model inside the shop at a later date.  I have a lot of unbuilt Jordan vehicles to use as a basis.

I am not sure what I will work on after the dyeworks is complete but there is a lot of scenery detail to complete on the layout even though it has an overall finish.  I also need to finish installing the stationary decoders to throw my switch machines - something I have been procrastinating doing as I find electrical work boring.  At least all of the switch machines are installed, mostly tortoises.  Model railroading is fun - mostly.

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