Sunday, September 9, 2012

Welding shop progress

The welding and used machinery company is coming along well.  I have built a "basement" which is the welding shop.  The interior of the welding shop is detailed and I installed an electronic welding effect from TMI Digital.  It provides a white intermittent light which serves to light the interior so that the details can be seen.  There is a rudimentary auto body inside which blocks the welding light.  A kneeling figure is behind the auto doing the welding - you can only see his head and the top of his body.  It seems effective to me.

The TMI Digital board is under the structure and you can see part of the electronic board at the top of the above photo.  Below are the three structures that make up this industry; at left is the office part which sits on top of the "basement" welding shop part.  The shed on the right sits next to the side platform of the office.  There will be machinery in the shed.

One reason I have decided to make one function of this industry used machinery is to give me a reason to use some of my many detail parts and have old machinery both in the shed and around the whole structure.  I have quite a few machinery detail parts and will scratchbuild others.

The location for this industry is a hill slope next to a siding at the front of my layout.  It was just a boring grassy slope but I have cut a preliminary opening to install this industry.

This part of the layout sits on top of a bookcase, and you can see part of the top of that bookcase in the hole.  The structure will sit on the bookcase with the top platform at track level and the welding shop door at ground level in the rear.

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