Saturday, October 27, 2012

Barrel factory progress

I have added the second story and a bunch of detail.  The second story is the finished barrel storage area.  The first photo shows the left side of the factory.  I have yet to make the office which will adjoin the left side of the lower area and will be a small clapboard structure.  Also there will be a stack at the back adjoining the boiler house.

The second photo shows the right side of the factory with the drying shed attached.  The large opening on the upper story is where the barrel conveyor will exit the building to carry the barrels to the loading dock on the other side of the rail siding.

I was at the Timonium Maryland train show this morning.  The October show there is usually their biggest but this one was disappointingly smaller.  I think most train shows, as well as hobby shops,  are losing their appeal with the ready access to products via the Internet.  I do almost all of my shopping by mail, though most of my model railroad purchases are merely paint, wood and detail parts since I only do scratch building these days.  When I go to train shows these days it is mostly for socializing.

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