Thursday, December 20, 2012

New structure on my layout

I have installed on the layout the new structure that I recently built.  It is located on the edge of a small town called Elder.  It fit in a once vacant lot.  The town has one paved street - kind of difficult to have many large towns on a 17' x 25' layout and still have industrial areas.  As with most of my structures on the layout it is held in place only by the scenic cement around the base, and can be fairly easily removed if needed.  I added various detritus around the building to make it appear used and somewhat run down.

I may at a later time add one or more signs to the building indicating what it is, but for now it is unspecified.

Due to the holidays I will likely be slow in additional postings although I have pretty much decided on what I will build next.  There are a number of scenery improvements that I have planned so that will al;so figure in to the schedule.

In any event have happy holidays whatever you celebrate.


  1. Great use of the Yorke mouldings. Sad to hear about Gordon North.

  2. Looks like something you would see in the Ellicott City Hysteric District. There they even have a creek that runs under a lot of the buildings.
