Monday, December 3, 2012

Old building model

I have started constructing an old building that has been converted into a business.  I have not yet decided what that business will be.  I started with some left over Yorke hydrocal castings that are the parts of the base that you see.  I have added a partially completed wood structure on top.  This building will go on my layout in a slight depression on the outskirts of my city.  The city will be to the right of this structure.  There is no rail siding but the mainline runs in front of it.

The windows are a mix of SS Ltd cast metal and Tichy plastic windows.  Since I made no plan and am making this up as I go I have only a vague idea of what I will do with the rest of the building.  I guess I will be surprised - hopefully in a good way.

As usual I have painted it to represent peeling paint over an alcohol/ink base color.  The sign is something from my scrap box of sign material and has no bearing on the use of the building.

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