Thursday, January 10, 2013

Luke's old shack

I keep building old shacks because it's fun.  I need to move on to other things before my layout starts looking like a slum.  This shack is a little bigger than the last two.

Since I modeled this shack with the door open, I put a little bit of interior detail inside but as usual it is difficult to impossible to see.  I put a lot of detail on the front porch, including a chair, a box made into a chair, a case of beer, a pitchfork, an old refrigerator, a dog, and a barrel.  Luke is leaning against the porch post.  The metal roof is in bad condition and leaks a little.

I made the old refrigerator from pieces of wood, card stock and plastic.

The windows and door were made from strip wood.  I used my usual ink & alcohol mixture to weather the building which is made from strip wood and bits of scribed siding.

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