Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fishing boat model

For a change of pace I built a fishing boat for my harbor.  It will be docked next to my cannery.  I started with a wood block hull from a crude boat model of unknown origin.  The rest of it is scratch built.  The cabin is built from sections of scribed wood.  The mast is from a tapered dowel.  The lifeboat is a commercial casting.  The fishing net on the rear deck is some fine bundled up netting to which I added several small floats made from plastic dowel.

I added a figure leaning against the cabin.  I also added two small boxes of fish - I used boxes so you can actually see the fish.

This was an interesting project and probably the last boat I will build since the harbor is only 2' x 3', and it already has a railroad car float.

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