Friday, May 3, 2013

Crisfield Maryland seafood by train

One of my early posts in May 2011 was of the railroad station in Crisfield Maryland which I found interesting because it was right by the water.  Crisfield is on Maryland's Eastern shore on the Chesapeake Bay and was once a substantial source of seafood such as crab and oysters.  Around 1919 it was served by the Eastern Shore Railroad - now long defunct.   Following are a few more photos.

The above photo shows the loading platform at Crisfield with a railroad car being loaded with crates.

Above is the interior of one of the seafood companies where employees are "picking" crab meat from the shells to be packed for shipment by railroad express. 

And above we see the interior of an "oyster car"  being loaded for shipment.  

My Next Modeling Project

I am well along on my next modeling project although progress has been slowed by the need to attend to the yard, as the grass and weeds are growing like gang buster.  Life is not all model railroading.  This next project is a factory for a product that is now all but extinct and which was in the process of being replaced by a new technology in 1939 - my modeling era.  I  came across mention of this product in one of my old industrial books and thought it would be an interesting selection for my next industry.  I suspect few of you have ever heard of it. 

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