Sunday, June 9, 2013

Box factory more progress

This was a busy week but I did get some work done on my box factory model.  The first photo shows the structure with 3 walls in place, but more work to be done.  The figure was set in the photo to give an idea of size.  The doorway next to the figure is the entrance to the completed box storage area, which will have a door to the rail loading platform.

The next photo shows the structure with the front removable wall in place. That side will face the edge of the layout for viewing of the interior details.  The windows on this wall are awaiting installation of the tilt-out windows at the top.  The windows are by Tichy.

Lastly is a photo of the steam boiler that will drive the engine.  The boiler and engine will be in a partially open shed at the right of the main structure.   The boiler front is a commercial casting from my scrap box - the rest is scratch built.

My grand daughter's graduation was quite nice.  She graduated with high honors and will be attending college in the fall.  We are very proud of her.

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