Sunday, July 14, 2013

Steam box factory installed on layout

The steam box factory is now installed on the layout at the aisle edge.  My facia is painted black so I installed a short piece of rock wall under the factory edge to hopefully improve the visual effect.  The wall is commercial printed embossed  rock wall which I sprayed with a dull flat spray, then dusted with gray chalk.

I kit-bashed a small truck from an old Selley cast metal automobile and placed it near the door.  Just above the truck you can see a bit of a man sitting on the dock of the factory.

This view shows the other end of the factory.  There is a small coal bin for fuel for the boiler, and various detritus around the structure including a sawdust pile, a wood refuse pile, and discarded machinery parts.

I have no idea what I will do next.

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