Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Partially closed tunnel portal

I have been away at a funeral for the last week so finally here is a new post.  This is a tunnel on my layout that used to be a two track tunnel with the right track leading to a small staging yard under the layout.  It was too difficult to use and the lead was a tight curve so I removed the staging yard and lead track through the tunnel.  Since there was only one track remaining through a double track tunnel portal I decided to close off the side with no track.

The bridge above at the right is on my narrow gauge and leads to a coal dock.  Although the track I removed was flex track, I replaced it partially with distressed and aged wood ties.  Then I added grass and weeds.   It is different but I suspect some prototypes probably did this.

The MER convention is bearing down on me so I need to do more scenery work in preparation for the open house.  My layout is already about 95% sceniced but there is always more to do.

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