Sunday, October 20, 2013

Views of my city

A few years ago I built a city for one corner of my layout.  I did it quickly using mostly kits on hand as I was trying to fill the corner for an upcoming open house.  I named the city "Uniontown".  There is such a city/town in Western Pennsylvania but mine bears no resemblance to it.  I have since made a few modifications but it is essentially what I put in place then.  The main street going from the station to the backdrop ends in a small mirror between the buildings to give the impression the street continues.

The station is to the right foregound on the other side of the tracks out of view.  Two of the rooftop signs at the back - White Fuel and H&C Coffee are lighted with motion simulated by the lights.  These signs are by Miller Engineering who has a wide variety of lighted signs.

There is a construction crane in the empty lot to the left of the bus.  The crane has been demolishing the structure that stood there and the lot had dirt piles and detritus.  I will eventually show additional photos of the city.

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