Friday, November 1, 2013

HO standard gauge goose of a different color

Some years ago I purchased a Con-Cor "Galloping Goose" with HO standard trucks.  The model was undecorated and since I do not model western narrow gauge (I do have some eastern style narrow gauge) I decided to paint it in colors of my choosing - much to the consternation of my western narrow gauge buddies.

I decided that since the front of the goose looks like a school bus I would paint mine yellow.  The rail bus (I don't call mine a goose) is sitting on a siding behind my city station.  As with all of the locos I use it is DCC equipped with sound.  I chose to make it standard gauge because it did not seem right for my narrow gauge which is freight only (timber and coal).

As a totally unrelated subject, I recently bought a "Stealth Cam" - a camera for unattended photographing of wild animals (or anything else that moves across it's path).  I have it mounted on a tree in my back yard and it is really interesting to see the photos it takes.  It is full color during the day and effectively black & white at night.  The night photos are taken by an infrared LED array.  I have gotten photos of deer, foxes, raccoons, and a neighborhood cat.  Our yard backs up to parkland so anything is possible. We also get photos of ourselves when we walk by.  It is just for fun but fascinating.  The photos are recorded on an SD card which we insert in our computers and download.

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