Sunday, January 19, 2014

Galvanizing company model work yard

Constructing this work yard took longer than I expected due to all of the details.  The yard is about 20 by 20 feet which is smaller than it should be but real estate on my layout is at a premium.  I started with a card stock base which I painted to seal it.  I then constructed a wood fence board by board as the prototype appeared to have.  The side adjoining the building obviously has no fence and the front fence has an opening - no gate.  I constructed a wood crane with a hook and installed it against the inside of the back fence.  The other details inside the yard include a used galvanizing tank made from card stock, lots of barrels, a pallet with a load of buckets, a dolley, a figure, etc, then last I built a roof over the yard and sheathed it with rusted corrugated sheets - ironic for a galvanizing company but this business only galvanizes small items such as buckets and pails.  I covered the yard area with fine light gray cinder.

Above is a view from the building side.

Galvanizing is essentially the process of applying a coating of zinc to iron or steel.  For this company the process is done by dipping the item in a galvanizing pot.

Above is a photo of the yard attached to the building.

Another shot above of the inside of the yard.

My next challenge with this model is to find a place for it on my layout.  I am almost to the point where I have to remove a structure to add a new one unless the new one is very small.

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