Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mining supply company model - interior

I am perhaps half way through construction of my mining supply company.  I have completed the dock and the structure that sits on one end.  I spent a good deal of time creating an interior as the front sliding doors of the structure are open and will reveal the interior.  How well you will be able to see the interior after I add the roof is yet to be seen.  I like doing interior detail but it too often becomes hard to see when the structure is complete.  Some of the interior detail is a little crude since it will be hard to see anyway - I did not use any detailed castings in it, but rather mostly things I made or rough boxes and barrels.

Above is a view through the doors from the external dock area.  The rear shelving is made from card stock with bits and pieces of junk on the shelves. In the rear are some crude plastic sacks from my parts boxes.  There are also some minimally detailed plastic barrels and boxes.

This next photo is shot from above the structure.  There is as yet no rear door - that will be partially open.  At the upper left are three shovels hanging on the wall which are made from wire and paper.  Since the upper part of the walls and the underside of the roof will not be seen they are not detailed.

This structure is a mixture of scratch building and use of parts from an old SS Ltd Tool House and Pillar Crane kit.  That kit consists of the usual nice metal castings and a batch of various sizes of strip wood.  What I am building has little resemblance to that kit.

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