Monday, March 3, 2014

Vintage frankfurt wagon model

For such a tiny model this took way longer than I anticipated.  My inspiration came from a photo in a book on diners.  The model is similar to the photo but not exact.

The model is primarily made from card stock.  It is less than 2 inches long.  The commercial parts are the wheels, the figure, a case of bottles and a cast metal part I used to simulate a coffee pot inside.  I put a lot of details inside so I made the roof removable.

Inside there is a case of coke bottles, a box of franks, a box of buns and the coffee pot.  I modified the figure so his arm is at the window and I made a frank in a bun sitting on the window ledge for  buyer. The frank is a section cut from a thin reddish-brown plastic tube and the bun is made from two small pieces of manila colored card stock rounded on each end.  It is unfortunately hard to see since it is so small but up close it looks pretty good.

The rear side and end door.

We got more snow today.  I am really tired of this winter and physically tired from clearing the snow off my long driveway.

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