Friday, May 30, 2014

Steam pump company complete

I have completed the steam pump company structure.  I have named it "Hott Steam Pump Company".   It is difficult to come up with names for these industries so I do what I can.  Apparently Mr. Hott started this company in 1902 and it is still going strong in 1939.

Above is the track side of the industry.  There is a finished pump on a pallet on the loading dock awaiting shipment.  The rusty metal roofing shows it's age.  You can see the two tilt out windows and a small stack for the office heating stove.

Here is an end view showing the company sign.  There is a sign on both ends.

This is the other side which is open for viewing the interior.  At the left you can see the removable side wall.

The above photo shows the removable wall attached to the structure.  The two end columns form brackets to hold the wall to the structure.

My next task is to design and build a small engine and boiler house to provide power for the line shaft which drives the belts.  The engine/ boiler house will be at the right end of the main structure.  You can see the end of the line shaft protruding from the right end wall just below the roof line.

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