Monday, May 19, 2014

Steam pump company detailed

I have completed detailing the interior of the steam pump company (I think).  Interior detailing is fun but a challenge to view when the structure is complete.  The line shaft and belt driven machinery are only on the open side of the building.  There are four figures in the shop; one working on the lathe, one making adjustments on a completed pump, one in the back at a work bench, and the last is a manager standing in front of the office.  I added lots of small detail parts scattered around the shop for a littered appearance typical of shops of that time.

I also installed a wood loading dock on the back side of the structure along with a sliding door.

I still need to add the corrugated metal roofing panels as well as the tilt-out window sections.  I also need to add signage.  I have not yet decided on a name for this industry.  There may be other details to be added before I move on to the steam boiler and engine needed to drive the line shaft.  They will be located in a small structure outside of the left end of the structure as seen above.

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