Thursday, May 1, 2014

Storage bins for steam pump company

These bins were common in industries and railroad repair facilitates in the early 1920's and even later depending on how the company modernized.  These vintage photos are from the Santa Fe facility in Topeka.

These storage bins were arranged longitudinally to allow the foreman to have a view of the floor.

The above storage bins were for tools and small parts.

I built a similar but much smaller bin for my steam pump company.  I made the bin from card stock and at this point it is only painted - no weathering and no parts in the bin sections.

While I made storage partitions on each side of the bin, only one will be visible when the side of the structure is removed.  Sadly when blown up for this posting the defects not really visible when viewing the model in person really show up.  This bin is 3/4 inch high.  Oh well.

I have installed the gantry crane in the building so progress is being made.

As an addition to this post, here is the bin with some weathering and filled with "stuff".

The stuff in the bin is mostly cast metal scrap, but inside the structure it will be indistinguishable.

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