Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hott boiler house complete

I have completed the boiler house for the Hott Steam Pump company.  The roof is removable.  The boiler house line shaft projects from the side of the building next to the pump company building and will connect to the line shaft from the pump company building.

This photo shows the front and window side.  The doors are open for viewing the inside.  The doors are scratched from wood strips and corrugated metal with handles applied on both the inside and outside.

Above is the rear and the side with the line shaft projecting.  The rear door is an SS Ltd steel door casting.

Both structures are currently sitting on an unsceniced layout extension in the next room reached by a tunnel through the wall.  The main layout pretty much has no room for any more structures.  I had considered tearing down the layout and rebuilding but at my age that seems too intimidating so I will continue the layout in the next room with essentially a switching layout approach.  This adjoining room is about 16 x 18 feet so that should provide room for additional layout.

I am now thinking about my next structure.  

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