Sunday, July 20, 2014

Varnish factory melt shop model

I have finally finished my varnish factory melt shop.  This is the most complicated of the structures in my varnish factory complex.  The brick walls of this structure were made using laser cut wood brick made by Monster Model and Laser Works.  The down side of using wood brick siding with my weathering technique of using water-thinned acrylic white paint over the painted red brick walls is warped walls.  It was of course corrected with bracing but still annoying.

The side on the right you cannot see is unfinished as it will go against a wall.  The stack is plastic - origin lost in the mists of time.  The platform will connect to a platform along the warehouse which will be a relief structure that will project out from this structure and of course be along the wall.  The furnaces for the melt shop are at the back of this structure under the stack.  The varnish mixture is "cooked" in large pots that sit on low wheeled carts.  The workers in these melt shops apparently wore white smocks so my figures that work in there also have white smocks.

The roof is slanted as was the prototype my model loosely follows, and additionally it breaks up the monotony of flat roofs.  The roof is slate made using the styrene slate shingle strips sold by Tichy Train Group.  I added a small skylight window on the roof to break up the monotony.  It is located over the furnace area.  The front area has a partial upper floor.

Above is a side view.  The nice thing about this laser cut wood brick siding is the texture.  The will be  additional details around the structure once it is placed on the layout.

Speaking of my layout, I have completed the basic framing on my layout extension.  It is an L shape 7' 10" by 10' with a small web at the joint of the L.   It is two feet wide.  I have not yet decided what the track plan will be on this but there will not be a lot of track.  This layout addition should provide real estate for a good number of structures, which is the point of it.  I do not operate my railroad - I just build and scenic which is the part I like.  I do run a train when visitors come but seldom any other time.

I had another large tree branch break off a tree at the back of my yard during a storm a few days ago.  The break was about 30 feet up in the tree so I used my chain saw to cut it of at about head height, then cut the part I removed into manageable chunks to move them out of the yard.  I guess the rest will eventually fall off.  Having trees is nice until they fall.  Two weeks ago another tree totally fell because the inside was rotted.  That chain saw really comes in handy.

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