Thursday, August 14, 2014

1933 panel truck model

I just built this Sylan models 1933 Willys panel truck model.  Sylvan manufactures a variety of interesting vehicle models.  They are easy to build and fairly decent, though I prefer to make modifications and improvements.

The photo from the box shows the manufacturers recommended style of finish.  As you can see I chose a more subdued finish.  My preference for models is a worn and often rusty and deteriorated look to my models since I model the 1939 era when the economy was in bad shape and maintenance was often deferred.

Some techniques I use for my vehicle models include:

- window "glass" made from thick white glue using products such as Canopy glue, Aleenes tacky glues, etc.

- License plates using printed paper.

- Headlights painted white then with several dabs of white glue to give the effect of glass.

- Vehicle signs from decals or printed paper.

- Loads for open trucks.

I usually do not put drivers in the vehicles as they never seem to look right and since the vehicles are not moving drivers seem unnecessary.

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