Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Marion Steam Shovel kit

Last week I started work on the Rio Grande Models Marion Steam Shovel model 40 kit.  The main car and machinery is partially finished.  These RGM kits are very detailed with loads of cast metal parts.

I have painted the parts flat black so they do not show up well at this point.  I will be adding additional coloring and weathering as I go along.  I am currently working on a method to allow the boom to swivel, something that is suggested in the instructions but no specific means supplied.  When I finish the machinery and boom rigging, I will build a body and roof.  I intend to make the body very open to keep the machinery visible.  Most of the prototype photos provided show a very enclosed structure but I see no reason to hide all of that detail.   Equipment of this type was often modified by the companies that operated them.

New structure.

I am also building a structure to cover the tunnel from the main room to access my layout addition.  I am using parts from an old Magnuson Menasha Wooden Ware Co resin kit that I had previously raided for parts.  Thus far I have two walls that will form a triangle from the wall.  The track from the other room will come though the opening.  The structure thus far has only a brick red spray, and awaits a wash of white acrylic to tone it down and provide the appearance of mortar.  There will also be other coloring on the walls.

No windows yet.  Some will be bricked in.  This will be a distressed building with maybe a billboard on one side, ivy growing up the wall, some vents, etc.  I have not decided yet what this building represents.

And then ....

As if that is not enough to occupy my time, I have also started to work on a Jordan Products 1926 Essex Coach vehicle kit.  I really like the Jordan products.

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