Sunday, August 3, 2014

Varnish factory loading shed

This is the last of the varnish factory structures.  I still need to add some details, signs, etc., and integrate the structures on the layout.  This shed was a fairly simple model and mostly built from strip wood.

This was photographed on a wood block so there is no base.  You can see the ramp at the back, barrels and a figure on the platform, and a wood pallet leaning against the platform.

Below is another view of the shed with a photo of the prototype factory that was my inspiration for this model.

And last a photo of all of the component structures sitting together in the general relationship on the layout.  It needs a lot of scencing once in place.

As you can see they sit against the blank painted wall.  I am contemplating some background to paint on the wall to make it seem to fit with it's surroundings.  I will probably start by painting on some card stock before anything actually goes on the wall.

The figure I placed on the platform was a plastic figure I modified.  Below is a photo showing my modified figure on the left and an unmodified figure on the right.  These were part of a set that were jointly holding a device for lifting rail - something I have no use for.  I cut off his arms below the elbow and added new arms, then repainted him.  It is fairly easy to modify commercial figures by cutting, bending, and adding features like hats, aprons, etc.

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