Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Machinery repair company hoist

The hoist is completed and installed.  It was more work than it might appear.  The hoist is supported on one end by the office roof and on the other end by ground supports.  A small dolly runs along the top of the hoist and the hoist hook hangs from that.

Just below the hoist in the above photo is a vehicle maintenance ramp.   Below is a close-up view of the hoist.

In response to a request, here are some more details on how I made the hoist.  It is mostly wood strips.  The "rails" on top of the hoist for the dolly are pieces of wire.  I used fine thread for the "cables" on the dolly and fine wire for the cables supporting the hook.  I usually use wire for that type of thing as thread never seems to hang properly since the hook is very light.  The hook is a metal casting  (do not recall the manufacturer).  The wheels on the dolly are small cardstock discs made using a punch with a variable size wheel.  There is no specific prototype but it is typical of hoists of that era.  I did a clinic at a recent MER convention on hoisting machinery so I have done research in this area.  The pulleys are a mix of cardstock disks and cast metal parts - whatever works.  Hope that helps.

There is at this point no detail or weathering on the yard ground.  That will be added after the major details are in place.   Since this model is built mostly of scale wood and cardstock it weighs very little.  It has also cost me nothing (new) since all materials and details are from my stock of supplies.  Over many years I accumulated a LOT of parts and building materials which now comes in handy for my scratch building.  I also have more than 100 unused figures even though there are easily 100 figures on the layout.  With all of these supplies, my main task for each project is deciding what to build.  I also have accumulated an extensive inventory of modeling tools though I mostly use a small group of preferred tools.  Every now and then I have an unusual need for an odd tool such as my crocodile action ear polypus.  Micro mark is a good source for unique tools.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Machinery repair company fenced yard

I have installed the machinery repair company structures on a cardstock base and installed a fence around the yard.  The cardstock base was spray painted on both sides to prevent warping.  The main reason for the base was to enable me to construct the entire industry on my workbench rather than trying to do it on the layout.

The fence was built using a Builders-in-Scale chain link fence kit I purchased many years ago.  Builders-in-Scale is now owned and operated by CC Crow.  The fence components include cast metal posts, wire horizontal rail, and fine netting for the chain link.

I have not yet added the details such as a hoist, machinery, etc in the yard.  This little "module" is about 5 1/2 by 11 inches.  My challenge now is to not make the yard area too crowded.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Machinery repair company storage shed

I decided to add a storage shed at the back of the machinery repair company lot for storage of parts and supplies.  This will add a structure at three corners of the lot.

This is a fairly small shed - 23 feet long, but I need to leave room for the machinery.  It is made from strip wood with a fairly strong interior framing.

I put one sign on the end which will be facing the side edge of the layout.

The roof is made from corrugated metal.

Now on to the other details.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Machinery repair company office

The machinery repair company office is basically complete.  There will be details added under the sloped roof and along the sides after it is installed on the layout.

The previously completed shed will be to the right of the office and the passageway between the two will be the entrance to the facility.  There will be a fence around the facility with a lot of machinery, parts and tools.  I expect it to be messy.  I also plan to make a small hoist probably between the shed and the office.

The fence will run from the corner of the office where the coke machine is sitting.

As with the shed, the shingles on the roof are Campbell shingles and the sloped roof is covered by corrugated metal.

Now I need to work on the machinery and details for the facility yard.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Commercial truck company electric truck

In the early 1900's various companies experimented with electric vehicles, mostly with minimal success.  This 5-ton electric truck provided service delivering freight between freight stations of the Pennsylvania Railroad in the Philadelphia area.

Trucks of this type were used by a variety of businesses.  The design of this truck seems similar to a wagon but with the horses inside.  Interesting that we still measure the power of vehicles today in horse power.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Machinery repair company shed

I have built the machinery repair company shed and partially decorated the interior.  I have more in mind for the interior but cannot complete it at this time.  The workbench was a metal commercial casting with some stupid barrels holding it up - I removed the barrels and added legs and a short back plus some more details on the top of the workbench.  I also built some shelving from cardstock and installed "stuff" on the shelves, then installed it at the inside back of the shed.  The shed was built with individual boards and the roof shingles were made using Campbells shingles (I have a good stock of that material). Those shingles are a pain to install but give a rough, rustic look.  I painted the shingles with Hickory stain then black and gray chalk dust.

This shed will be at one corner of the machinery repair lot with an office structure opposite it.  The office structure will be built next.

I am preparing a bunch of old vehicles and machinery for the lot.

I was sad to hear that one of the Car Talk brothers died.  I really enjoy that show.