Monday, November 3, 2014

Machinery repair company shed

I have built the machinery repair company shed and partially decorated the interior.  I have more in mind for the interior but cannot complete it at this time.  The workbench was a metal commercial casting with some stupid barrels holding it up - I removed the barrels and added legs and a short back plus some more details on the top of the workbench.  I also built some shelving from cardstock and installed "stuff" on the shelves, then installed it at the inside back of the shed.  The shed was built with individual boards and the roof shingles were made using Campbells shingles (I have a good stock of that material). Those shingles are a pain to install but give a rough, rustic look.  I painted the shingles with Hickory stain then black and gray chalk dust.

This shed will be at one corner of the machinery repair lot with an office structure opposite it.  The office structure will be built next.

I am preparing a bunch of old vehicles and machinery for the lot.

I was sad to hear that one of the Car Talk brothers died.  I really enjoy that show.

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